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Behmann Brothers Foundation
2025 Grant Application

1.       Date:______________

2.       Organization Name:_____________________________________

3.       Mailing Address:_______________________________________

4.       City:______________________________  State:_____________________  Zip:_____________________

5.       Telephone:______________________________  Fax:____________________________________

6.       Website Address:_______________________________________

7.       Employer Identification Number:____________________________

8.       Name and Contact Information of Individual Responsible for this Grant Request:





9.       Grant/Project Title:_____________________________________

10.   Amount of Grant Funds Requested:$_________________________

11.   Type of Request:    _____General Support        _____Start-Up Costs

      _____Project Support      _____Scholarship/Endowment    

     _____Technology Upgrade      _____Capital Expenditure      _____Other

     If Other, please explain:____________________________________________________

12.   What is the organization’s mission statement? (Please do not exceed the space provided.)






13.   Give a brief description of the project or activity for which grant funds are being requested.  This description should include the purpose and the goals to be achieved. (The summary should not exceed this space.)








14.   Summarize the organization’s history i.e. how it came to be a nonprofit charitable organization, etc. (The summary should not exceed this space.)








Please include the following information with this application:

Attach as Exhibit “A” a copy of the organization’s most recent IRS Determination Letter showing 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. 

Has the organization's 501(c)(3) status ever been revoked? Yes
or No
If yes, please explain:____________________________________________________________


Attach as Exhibit “B” a copy of the organization’s most recent tax return. 


Attach as Exhibit “C” a current list of Board of Directors, listing addresses, occupations and community affiliations. 




If your grant request is approved, will you execute and abide by the terms of our Grant Policies?

   Yes, I agree to abide by the terms of the Grant Policies.


I, ___________________________(title)_______________________of ___________________________________________ (organization) have reviewed this application and believe it to be true, correct and complete.  I further represent that the governing body of the organization authorizes the making of this request.

Behmann Brothers Foundation
P.O. Box 271486
Corpus Christi, Texas 78427-1486
Sherry M. Kosarek, President

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P.O. Box 271486
Corpus Christi, Texas 78427-1486
Phone: (361) 438-4543

Email: info@behmannbrothersfoundation.org

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